Palliative Care
Palliative Care
According to End of Life Care Strategy Promoting high quality care for all adults at the end of life published in July 2008; each year around 500,000 people die in England. From surveys of the general public we know that, given the opportunity and right support, most people would prefer to die at home. In practice, only a minority manage to do so. Many people die in an acute hospital, which is not their preferred place of care. However, we also know that many people receive excellent care as their life draws to a close. Over the past forty years hospices and specialist palliative care services have demonstrated what can be done to provide physical, psychological, social and spiritual care for people and their families. In recent years new models of care have been developed by the NHS and by the voluntary sector to bring good care to a wider number of patients.
Our team of qualify carer are able to work with relevant multi-disciplinary team and service user’s family to provide the required specialist palliative care with professional and emotional understanding that will treat the sufferer as an individual, with dignity and deliver high level of respect that the sufferer deserved.