Selekt Care agency will provide varieties of 24 hours 7 days a week high quality domiciliary optional care packages listed below to our service user.

Personal Care

  • Assist our service users with getting up and going to bed
  • Assist our service user with washing, bathing, showering and maintaining good personal hygiene and dressing
  • Assist our  with moving from bed to chair/to wheelchair/or to toilet with or without hoists
  • Support with shaving, hair care and nail care

Domestic Housework

  • Support with meal preparation and washing up
  • Support with feeding and  also help with walking dogs or cats
  • Support with washing & drying laundry, ironing and changing bed linen
  • Support with cleaning, dusting and cleaning

Money and Shopping

  • Support to cash benefit books
  • Support to pay bills online or via the phone or at the shop
  • Assist with writing shopping list
  • Accompany to shop or go to shopping on behalf of client

Escorts Service

  • Accompany to day care centres appointment
  • Escort to Hospital and medical appointments
  • Escort to attend social events (friends/family)

Companion Care

At Age UK, one of the ways we try to combat loneliness in later life is through our friendship services

We provide companion services support clients who may be feeling lonely. We assist with telephone contact and also offer befriending services by accompanying a befriender meeting in agreed home for a cup of tea and a chat, or accompanying them to an activity (such as a trip to a cafe or the theatre).

Dementia Care

Dementia is a syndrome caused by a number of underlying diseases, including Alzheimer’s. It can affect memory, thinking, behaviour, communication and a person’s ability to perform daily activities

Some of the greatest challenges of caring for a loved one with dementia are the personality and behaviour changes that often occur. We are able to provide home care service that can best meet these challenges by using creativity, flexibility, patience, and compassion that will maintain your sense of humour of the sufferer

Respite & Crisis Care

We are able to provide continuous care to allow primary carers to take a break, whilst ensuring the same level of care and support is provided in service user’s home thus minimising disruption to a person’s routine and way of life.

Palliative Care

According to End of Life Care Strategy Promoting high quality care for all adults at the end of life published in July 2008; each year around 500,000 people die in England. From surveys of the general public we know that, given the opportunity and right support, most people would prefer to die at home. In practice, only a minority manage to do so. Many people die in an acute hospital, which is not their preferred place of care. However, we also know that many people receive excellent care as their life draws to a close. Over the past forty years hospices and specialist palliative care services have demonstrated what can be done to provide physical, psychological, social and spiritual care for people and their families. In recent years new models of care have been developed by the NHS and by the voluntary sector to bring good care to a wider number of patients.

Our team of qualify carer are able to work with relevant multi-disciplinary team and service user’s family to provide the required specialist palliative care with professional and emotional understanding that will treat the sufferer as an individual, with dignity and deliver high level of respect that the sufferer deserved.


We are able to provide Live-in care services which allows people to stay in their own home, living as independently as possible, for as long as possible to provide personal care services, housekeeping, cooking and even pet care..

Intermediate Care and Reablement

Intermediate care and reablement includes a range of services potentially available to people who are leaving hospital or to people who are at risk of hospital admission without timely and focused intervention.

In its approach, the care service follows the guidance issued by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), Intermediate Care Including Reablement (NG 74) and aims to achieve Quality Standard QS173 (2018).

Selekt Care Ltd recognizes that home-based intermediate care:

  • is targeted at people who would otherwise face unnecessarily prolonged hospital stays or inappropriate admission to acute in-patient care, long-term residential care, or continuing NHS in-patient care
  • is provided after a comprehensive assessment, resulting in a structured individual care plan that involves active therapy, treatment or opportunity for recovery
  • has a planned outcome of maximising independence and typically enabling service user/users to resume or remain living at home
  • is time limited (normally no longer than six weeks and frequently as little as one to two weeks or less)
  • Involves cross-professional working, with a unified assessment framework, single professional records and shared protocols.

Selekt Care Ltd recognizes that most reablement programs will be planned by the multidisciplinary team responsible for developing the local intermediate care provision; as such an experience and well trained carer will be matched to service user to implement care package designed for quick recovery.

Home Care for Complex Need

We have specialist teams that are fully trained and experienced to support adults with a wide range of complex health care needs.

We work very closely with multi-disciplinary healthcare professionals like community mental health practitioners, GP practice, physiotherapists, Autism and  learning disability specialist, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, community nurses and other hospital consultants to provide individualised  care for those we support. Our care staffs are competent and they follow comprehensive care plans and medical instructions to ensure clients are being supported appropriately.

Our aim is to ensure wellbeing of our clients in their own home. We adopt person centre approach to deliver our services. We are not limited to by the examples of complex needs clients we can support in their home.

  • Mental health & other emotional needs
  • Congenital or Acquired brain injury
  • Neurological conditions & diseases
  • Epilepsy
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Physical disabilities & needs associated with limited mobility
  • Tumours
  • Respiratory issue
  • Sensory impairment

Service users that lack mental capacity to take decisions

The Mental Capacity Act, or MCA as it is often known, was introduced into England and Wales in April 2007 to provide a statutory framework to protect those who lack the mental capacity to make their own decisions, such as those with severe dementia or any other significant brain dysfunction, and those who are dying and no longer capable of making decisions for themselves.

The Act applies to people aged 16 years and over and sets out:

  • who can take decisions for people who lack capacity
  • in which situations this can be done
  • How they should go about this.

Also the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 contain the following with respect to mental capacity.

Regulation 9: Person-centred Care requires service providers to ensure that the care and treatment of service users must be appropriate, must meet their needs, and must reflect their preferences and wishes. The regulation specifically requires service providers to act in accordance with the Mental Capacity Act 2005 with regard to people who may lack capacity.

Regulation 11: Need for Consent requires that care and treatment is only provided with the consent of the relevant person

Selekt Care Ltd will complies with the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Care Quality Commission as it applies to England and Wales, by first treating all of its service users and prospective service users on the basis that they are able to take their own decisions and give valid consent to their care and treatment.

Selekt Care Ltd has a robust policy and procedure adapted after appropriate legal requirements and regulations to ensure service users’ rights and freedom are respected and will always work to make sure that no service user who might lack capacity is unlawfully deprived of their liberty.